The sunPATH™ software for the Apple Macintosh® tracks the position of the sun for any day, anywhere on earth. sunPATH includes a database of over 39,000 locations throughout the world. This database includes latitude, longitude, time zone, daylight savings time and magnetic declination information for each location. The database allows you to select a location without the need to search for and enter any information other than the date range you wish to calculate. You are also able to add your own locations to this database with sunPATH helping you to determine the coordinates and other location information.
sunPATH is an affordable, friendly, easy-to-use program. If you are at all familiar with Macintosh programs you will find sunPATH very easy to use without the manual or any instruction. If you need it, extensive on-screen Help is a button click away. Considerable time and effort have been put into the programming of sunPATH to make it a real “No Brainer” to use.
sunPATH displays the sun’s information on your screen and in a printed report. The information includes a daily summary (sunrise, sunset, dawn, dusk and sun hours), the sun’s position in half-hour or fifteen minute intervals with shadow length information and a graphical plot of the sun’s path. With the printed reports, you do not need to take your computer on location, saving it from dust storms, rain, damage or theft. You can quickly refer to your report, no need to run the program each time you wish to predict the sun’s position.
With sunPATH information, Directors, Directors of Photography, Photographers and Location Managers will accurately predict the sun’s position worldwide any day of the year. This is a tremendous aid in production scheduling and set construction. sunPATH allows you to efficiently manage your limited and expensive production time to take advantage of the “best” light for any location.